Following my previous article, I persist and sign! The jobs come and go. I am delighted.

Happy … Except that this time things did not work out this perfectly as planned and the shooting was initially challenging almost ended in a nightmare …

Let me explain: The customers are an American brand called HAUTEHIPPIE. It is pretty much to Sandro therefore a very popular brand which met with great success. The style is very nice, affordable and easy to wear. Mixing influences bohemian hippy and gypsy chic.

I called at 7:45. Initially, they thought me up bookée 18H, but in fact on my record contract, the end time of shooting is 16H. So I paid for this service. After this misunderstanding for which I can not, customers decide to speed things up, one must shoot in the allotted time. It’s hot! I end up with at all and for all a break of 15 minutes (model desperate …). I had to wear YSL than 12 all day (desperate). Result my feet were literally on fire with blisters – yes, I said no blisters blisters, you must understand the difference because it exist everywhere!

To finish the job they had to dress the feet of either side, a constellation of dressings on absolutely every square centimeter of my arch. A disaster …

To calm things down, and just took pity, they finally decided to offer me clothes.

Lucky for them, the clothes are top notch and my sentence was reduced. You soon will find me elsewhere in their catalog and in the meantime you can soak up their style of

That said, the team were very friendly and rather appalled that disappointment. The location of the shooting impressive: a penthouse with a million dollar view.

Good and bad as always, but mostly nothing to regret …